New trailer for A Concrete River and my print exhibit

This is the new trailer for A Concrete River, a new documentary on the LA River by Raphael Sbarge. Many of my stills are used in the film and 13 of my prints are currently being exhibited at the Laemmle NoHo Theatre until the end of the year as part of Laemlle’s Art in the Arthouse series.

The end of the trailer has a short bit about me and sow me at work along the river, funny to see me on the big screen.

The film has some amazing archival footage and beautifully traverses the river’s history and its future. It is currently being submitted to several film festivals and I will let you know as soon as I know the next screening or broadcast.

If you get a chance or are in the neighborhood, stop by and seen my print exhibit, the aluminum 20 x 30 prints really look impressive, the excellent work done by my lab, Prolab Digital in Westchester is amazing.

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